
Gabriel Filippelli
Each month, we release at least four episodes, which go live at 6 a.m. ET Fridays. Often, we'll have more little pieces of content during the week, so be sure to subscribe and keep an eye out!
In This Climate calls Bloomington, Indiana, home. But episodes reach across the globe, from glacier to rainforest. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and just about anywhere else you find podcasts. You can catch updates and bonus material on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
You’ve heard the echoing headlines. We just had the hottest [insert month] in history. [Insert forest] is on fire. Sea level rise will swallow [insert coastal city or island] during your lifetime. We know you know. We aim to provide the narrative and nuance necessary to make environmental news digestible and enlightening. And we strive to propel listeners on their intellectual and emotional paths toward climate commitment, as well as help generate coalitions in service of tangible improvement of our environment and climate.